Now you may have heard that some people believe that you should litter your website with important keywords as it will help you appear higher up in people’s searches. Nowadays that just isn’t the case.
Whilst it’s a good idea to have in your mind a way to promote your site, and search terms you’d like to be optimised for, search engine optimisation (SEO) is a very complex process that takes months of work and careful planning.
Build for humans
Small details like keywords on specific pages are unlikely to have any major impact alone on your rankings on Google. Our advice is always to build your site to be useful to human beings, and not to try and convince the robots at Google to rank you more highly. Google considers various factors when indexing websites, the focus of which is how helpful it is to its users. Scattering around important keywords isn’t being helpful.
Slow and steady
Search engine optimisation is an ongoing process that needs to be done weekly, if not daily, to have a positive yield, but if you stick with it and know what you are doing then it can bring vast amounts of traffic to your website.
If you are interested in learning to do SEO yourself, take a look at some of these guides:
Get some professional help
Or if you don’t have the time to do it yourself and you want to appear highly in search results for a specific search term, let’s have a chat about our SEO packages.